Sunday, September 5, 2010

the list sentence

Through week two of grammar class, we started to look more at punctuation and grammar structure. One thing that I learned this week was that when there is an “and” sentence, it is still correct to have a comma before the and and after the and. What I mean by this is sentences such as “I LIKE TO PLAY BASEBALL, BASKETBALL, PING PONG, AND RUN,” and “I LIKE TO PLAY BASEBALL, BASKETBALL, PING PONG AND RUN.” I was always taught that if you didn’t put a comma, it was incorrect. It is one of those rules that I don’t understand why there are multiple ways of teaching it. I believe there should only be one. What I want to know from people is, which way do you think is more correct more often?

1 comment:

  1. actually, Erik, I'd say your example doesn't work. Dropping the _and_ in a series suggests that the list could go on and on. Your list, however, is finite with just so many sports you can put in the list. You might think of this pattern with an elipsis after it... wispfully going on and on.
